Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

If you are first time used to excel you will be focused on just getting yout task done and then learning how to work more efficiently. However, when you are ready to learn about the Excel keyboard shortcuts this lesson will teach you the most important and useful Excel shortcuts currently available. The benefits of using a keyboard shortcut are twofold: * It is quicker to keep your hand on the keyboard then shift from keyboard to mouse to keyboard * You will experience less stress on your muscles if you shift your hands less We have divided the keyboard shortcuts into related areas. This way you can focus on learning a group of shortcuts at a time, rather than all at once! Shortcut Help: Combination keyboard shortcuts, those that have a plus (i.e. Ctrl + S), require that you hold the first key (Control) then press the second key (S) while still holding down the first key. Excel Shortcuts:FOR Files Ctrl+S: Save your Excel workbook Ctrl+O: Open an existing Excel workbook Ctrl+N: Create a new Excel workbook
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